Hello there! Thanks for visiting the Sorensen Photography blog. I thought I would start this blog by telling you a little about myself. I'm from a small rural farming town in North Central Iowa, Gilmore City, which has a population of around 650. I spent my entire life there with lots of family close by. I graduated from Twin River Valley High School in 2000 and started attending Iowa State University that Fall. The summer before my Freshman year at ISU, I married my husband, Nathan. As crazy as we were, it must have been right because we are still married after 8 crazy adventure filled years. In the fall of 2004 I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art and Design. Since then I have been working full-time in the Graphic Design field. One year ago last month my husband and I decided to start Sorensen Photography. A lot has developed over the course of this past year and we couldn't be more excited about the future. So, please join us as we continue the adventure.
Rachel and Nathan